An update on the last month of my primo livello course with Ais . The past month has been busy, but my Sommelier courses continue... and I c...

An update on the last month of my primo livello course with Ais . The past month has been busy, but my Sommelier courses continue... and I c...
Last week I was on the road-the annual 7th grade field trip, where my friend and co worker Kate and I took a group of 16 7th graders on a wh...
4 days and more than 80 addresses in Naples for a new and glamorous stroll through the city, where the common thread is wine presented in un...
Campania has dedicated an entire month to the wine world with events in historical locations, appointments in cantinas, and wine tastings. ...
Wednesday, April 7th. The day before Vinitaly. Trudging through the construction site which would become the Campania Felix Pavilion I notic...
Saturday night. Via Chiaia, Napoli. A must for an evening stroll; window shopping with the beautiful people. Smack in the middle of this...
I mentioned a few blogs ago that I had a golden opportunity to get a behind the scenes look at the wine biz by helping out in the Terre del ...
My quest for my Campania white at Vinitaly led me to Pavilion 7. To Feudi di San Gregorio . To my friend, Alessandro Palmieri . My first app...
No matter where I turn, my aglianico, in version Taurasi is popping up all over. Star of Città del Gusto’s recent wine lab and present at l...
When you attend a wine fair, particularly one the magnitude of Vinitaly, you’ve gotta have a plan. It is impossible to get through the week ...
Just back from Verona. Back home in Campania. I sit here reflecting on my Campania vigna felix that made, in my opinion, una bella figu...
At the end of the day at Vinitaly, when the stands shut down, the lights go off, the fun is not over. It's's Verona.....
Over the past couple of weeks, my facebook home page has been flooded with news about THE wine fair in Verona- Vinitaly. Giornalists with t...
While preparing for my 4th sommelier class, I was a little overwhelmed with the subject matter. We would be learning about the grape … every...
In Campania, la pastiera , is dessert that MUST be served during the Easter season. Each paese , town, has their own version, and I'd l...
I stopped by Ciao Vino in Varcaturo, as I usually do a few times a week to 'see what's up', and I was taken aback by the makeov...