A couple of weeks ago, I ran into a friend who I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. His name is Luigi (or Louis) and is a sommelier at Torre Gaia. I met him when our wine tasting group visited one cold day in March. I had almost forgotten about Torre Gaia. I’ve driven by it numerous times since then and have seen this beautiful estate on my way to St Agata dei Goti (Bn)or to a friend’s country home in Melizzano (Bn). Anyway, we started talking and he encouraged me to take a look at the web site to see what is going on. Here’s what is up:
Saturday, November 28
An evening dedicated to dance with an ‘appertivo’, 15 Euro
Sunday, November 29
KIDS EAT FREE ( children 10 years of age and under)
Adults will enjoy a fixed menu for 25 Euro
There will also be a ‘Vinolandia’ for the kids. A workshop where they can learn how wine is made, etc.
It was unclear by reading the brochure on the web site if wine was included in the price. If you would like to make reservations, contact them directly at 0824 97 83 74. Visit their site at http://www.torre-gaia.com/
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