Here is the rest of the program for the month of December.
December 6, 2009 h 10.00 e 12.00
Museo di Capodimonte
Ballo a corte: una favola ‘reale’: A ball at the court, a royal fairy tale
A tour and show withSalvatore D’Onofrioand Rosanna Gagliotti for young and old.
An invitation to the ball at the palace of King Ferdinando and Queen Maria Carolina. A great chance to visit the apartments and appreciate life in the court during the Bourbon period.
December 7, 2009 h 10.00 and 11.00
Museo di Villa Pignatelli (Mergellina)
Un abitare aristocratico: The aristocratic life
Musical accompinament by Sergio Colicchioand Antonio De Rosa
Visit the grand rooms in the apartment which belonged to Rosina Pignatelli. dell’appartamento di Rosina Pignatelli, to include her library, dining room, and ballroom with beautiful music in the background.
December 8, 2009, h 10.00 e 11.00
Certosa e Museo di San Martino (Vomero)
Aspettando il Natale: Waiting for Christmas
Music by the Ensemble SineNomine for young and old.
Get into the Christmas spirit by rediscovering the great Neoplitian nativity scenes.
December 12, 2009, h 10.00 e 12.00
Museo di Villa Pignatelli
È pronto in tavola!: Dinner is served!
Show and tour with Rosanna Gagliotti and Loredana Piedimonte for young and old.
A triumph of fruit, cakes, pastries, bread, fish and shellfish, quail and poultry. The visitor will, in the midst of the “Ritorno al Barocco. Da Caravaggio a Vanvitelli”:” Return to the Baroque, From Caravaggio to Vanvitelli” exhibit, have an opportunity to help two unusual characters get lunch on the table!
December 13, 2009, h 10.00 e 12.00
Certosa e Museo di San Martino
Viaggio nella storia: A trip through history
Show and tour with Massimiliano Foà for young and old
The words of Le Goethe and the diaries of other famous travelers of the Grand Tour will accompany the visitors into history and the myth of Naples, amongst kings,plagues, eruptions and miracles, seen through the exhibit “Ritorno al Barocco. Da Caravaggio aVanvitelli”.
December 19, 2009, h 11.00
Museo di Capodimonte
Disegnare per guardare: Drawing by watching
Led by Caroline Peyron for young and old
A different way to discover Neapolitan painters from Michelangelo Merisi, Caravaggio a Francesco Solimena, presented in the exhibit “Ritornoal Barocco. Da Caravaggio aVanvitelli.” Basically, you will get the chance to learn about the painters while drawing the works of art yourself. I went on a similar tour last year. It was a great experience, so this time I will be taking my 9 year old son.
20 e 26 dicembre 2009, dalle h 11.00
Museo Duca di Martina
L’opera prende forma; The work of art takes form
Theatrical interpretation by Malatheatre
The gallant scene in the paintings of Filippo Falciatore and the groups of plastic and porcelain of Capodimonte, presented in the “Ritorno al Barocco.Da Caravaggio a Vanvitelli”, exhibit will take ‘form’ in suggestive tableaux vivants.
27 dicembre 2009, dalle h 11.00
Museo di Capodimonte
L’opera prende forma; The work of art takes form
Theatrical interpretation by Malatheatre
The Flagellation by Caravaggio, which begins the journey into the exhibit “Ritorno al Barocco. Da Caravaggio aVanvitelli”, with great artwork by Neapolitains of the 1600s and 1700s which will come to life in a tableaux vivants .
All visits will have guides on behalf of Progetto Museo
For info contact tel. 0812395653 - 0812395666 (M-F h 9.00-17.00)
The tours are free but some require museum entrance. It is worth checking out.
(Let me know if you want a pdf copy of the brochure in Italian by emailing me at andiamotrips@gmail.com)
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