Not Only Wine at Aglianico e Aglianico, Battipaglia, November 11 and 12
In Italy, a great glass of wine must have a great dish to accompany it. La Fabbrica dei Sapori sent out their menus as well as their line up of chefs and I can’t wait to try each plate.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Angela Carrillo from the famous E’ Curti will prepare a classic traditional dish called ‘O SICCHIE R’A MUNNEZZA”, a spaghetti dish with a delicious sauce made with walnuts from Sorrento, dried fruit, capers, olives and oregano. This dish needs a robust and fresh Aglianico to clean the palate since olive oil is highly present in this dish.
Antonella Iandolo, chef of La Maschera di Avellino will present her specialty chosen especially for the autumn season: NERA PASTA E FAGIOLI CON FUNGHI PORCINI AL PROFUMO DI RAVECE, a dish prepared with black beans extra virgin olive oil from Ravece, typical of Irpinia (AV). Once again, aglianico being the obvious choice by pairing up food from Irpinia and wine from Irpinia.
Nello Razzano, from Lucania, a Maratea (Pz) and chef of ristorante Il Sacello della Locanda delle Donne Monache will utilize the only fish of the lucana terragna tradition; il baccalà . PASSATINA DI FAGIOLI DI SARCONE CON BOCCONCINO DI BACCALA’ E PIPI CRUSCHI DI SENISE.
Chef Giovanna Voria of Agriturismo Corbella of Cicerale in the heart Cilento.She only uses products from her Agriturismo to prepare: SPEZZATINO MAGRO DI CINGHIALE IN GELATINA ALL’AGLIANICO AL PROFUMO DI MIRTO SELVATICO CON FIORI DI PEPERONCINO SU CREMA DI CECI DI CICERALE, stewed boar prepared with aglianico, wild berries, peppers and chick peas.
Thursday, 12 November, 2009
Chef Paolo Barrale from Ristorante Marennà in Sorbo Serpico , received the highly coveted Stella Michelin this year. He is the chef who I am waiting to see. GUANCETTA DI MANZO BRASATA ALL’AGLIANICO SU PUREA DI ZUCCA E LIQUIRIZIA. Beef braised with aglianico on a bed of pureed pumpkin cries out for a glass of Taurasi.
Young chef Angleo D’Amico from Barry’s di Montesarchio (Bn) del Cristina Park Hotel, Angelo D’Amico will offer his : GUANCIA DI VITELLONE CON TORTELLO DI FEGATO E CIPOLLE. Aglianico will be paired with this rich dish of veal with liver and onions.
Francesco Rizzuti Chef of Antica Osteria Marconi in Potenza will present PENNONI DI GRAGNANO CON AGNELLO, PECORINO DI MOLITERNO E SPUMA DI SEDANO. This lamb dish desires Aglianico del Vulture.
The food-wine pairing concludes in Cilento with the Chef of Ristorante Angiolina. Rinaldo Merola proposal of the evening will be “il CAURARO” a typical cilentana recipe. A soup prepared with sardines and fresh garden vegetables accompanied with wheat bread from, Vallo della Lucania.
There is still time to sign up by contacting comunica@lafabbricadeisapori.it - tel. 0828.630021
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