Salvatore Salvo |
It was hard to say no when Salvatore Salvo invited me over for a pizza. Or should I say, a pizzata. Lunch in his family's pizzeria in San Giorgio a Cremano, just outside of Naples. It was hard to say no.
So I said yes.
Yes, along with 50 other amici, friends for an afternoon laughter, and discussions at our at a very long tavolata...
Yes to a glass or two of artisan beer and Gragnano....
Yes to Salvo's frittatina di maccheroni, arancini, zeppole pansarotti, and scagliozzi...
And yes to pizza, pizza, pizza, and...pizza...
margherita |
margherita |
pizza with alici (marinated sardines) |
pizza with alici |
with fresh tomatoes |
with eggplant |
with eggplant |
pizza fritta |
Pizzata...hard to say no...
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