On the 13th of December, at the Città del Gusto in Naples (next to the Science Museum), there will be a great opportunity to taste a large variety of Italy’s best low cost wines. (Wines 8 euro or less). Gambero Rosso, Italy’s leader in wine and food, has published their 20th edition of their book Grande Degustazione Berebene Low Cost 2010, and will present it this evening. The entrance fee is 18 euro, and the event will be held that evening from 2000-2400 hrs. For more information, call or write
Città del gusto
Via Coroglio, 57/104
Tel.: 081 19808900/902/910 (ore 9.00-13.00 e 14.00-18.00)
NAPOLI@CITTADELGUSTO.IT; eventi.na @cittadelgusto.it
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