Aglianico e Aglianico is an event that will be held on Wednesday the 11th and Thursday the 12th of November, from 1800 hrs to 2400 hrs at “La Fabbrica dei Sapori…” in Battipaglia. This location is an antique factory that has been restored and transformed into a multifunctional center, with space dedicated to the ‘typical products’. “Aglianico e Aglianico” is an event centered around the most important wine of the ‘ Mezzogiorno continentale’.
Wednesday, November 11
From 2030 -...
Informal wine tasting
“Lo stile dell’Aglianico”or “The Aglianico style”
with enologists
Antonio Di Gruttola
Raffaele Inglese
Enzo Mercurio
Fabrizio Piccin
Pietro Razzino
Fortunato Sebastiano
Michele Romano, president of Strada del Vino del Vesuvio Elena Martusciello, president of Donne Del Vino Daniela Mastroberardino, president of Movimento Turismo del Vino Paolo De Cristofaro, Gambero Rosso
Guided wine tasting with wine paired with dishes prepared by the following chefs:
Angela Ciriello Ristorante E Curti di Sorbo Serpico
Antonella Iandolo Ristorante La Maschera di Avellino
Giovanna Voria Agriturismo Corbella di Cicerale
Reservations are necessary (tel. 0828.630021 - comunica@fabbricadeisapori.it).
2030 hrs
Special ‘Enolaboratorio’ by divinoinvigna and Ais Napoli on Big Wines from Little Vineyards “ The little vineyards of Vulture ”
Michele La Luce: Zimberno 2005Eleano: Eleano 2004Camerlengo: Camerlengo 2005Lelusi: Shesh 2006Musto Carmelitano: Serra del Prete 2007Carbone: 400some 2006Hosts
Mauro Erro
Tommaso Luongo, Delegato AIS Napoli
Reservations are necessary, the cost is 15,00 euro (tel. 081.3722670 - 329.6467600 - divinoinvigna@libero.it).
Thursday, 12 November
From 2030 -...
Informal wine tasting
“Lo stile dell’Aglianico”or “The Aglianico style”
with enologists
Prisco Apicella
Sergio Romano
Sergio Pappalardo
Antonio Pesce
Angelo Valentino
Francesca Adelaide Di Criscio, president of Strada del Vino dei Campi FlegreiDomizio Pigna, president of Consorzio SamniumChicco De Pasquale, Vitigno Italia
Guided wine tasting with wine paired with dishes prepared by the following chefs:
Paolo Barrale Ristorante Marennà di Sorbo Serpico
Rinaldo Merola Ristorante Angiolina di Pisciotta
Francesco Rizzuti Antica Osteria Marconi di Potenza
Ingresso solo su prenotazione (tel. 0828.630021 - comunica@fabbricadeisapori.it).
2030 hrs
Guided wine tasting of the vintages 2006, 2004, 2003 e 2001
of Aglianico Bocca di Lupo di Antinori Tormaresca
Angelo Di Costanzo, primo sommelier Campania 2008
Pasquale Porcelli, journalist
Reservations are necessary, the cost is 10,00 euro (tel. 0828.630021, comunica@fabbricadeisapori.it).
2200 hrs
Guided wine tasting of the vintages 2005, 2001, 1999 e 1993
Of Taurasi dei Feudi di San Gregorio
Franco De Luca, Sommelier Ais Napoli
Manuela Piancastelli, author and journalist
Reservations are necessary, the cost is 10,00 euro (tel. 0828.630021, comunica@fabbricadeisapori.it).
Both evenings will be broadcasted live on TV channel TELECOLORE
and on 849 of SKY
· Entrance to the fair and wine tasting is free.
· There will be an Aglianico Wine Shuttle Bus available on Wednesday and Thursday leaving at 1800 hrs from Napoli Hotel Ramada returning around 2230 (stopping at hotel Ramada and piazza Vittoria).
The shuttle costs € 7,00 roundtrip.
Reservations must be made by 9 November: 339.8789602 – officinegourmet@gmail.com
Press Office:
Novella Talamo 347.4689312 comunica@lafabbricadeisapori.it
Giulia Cannada Bartoli 339.8789602 officinegourmet@gmail.com
"La Fabbrica dei Sapori..." - Via Spineta, 84/C - Battipaglia (Sa)
For s complete list of participants visit www.lucianopignatorao.it/articolo.php?pl=6558
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